Are You Executive Level Material? Tip #9

The following is the 9th in a series of 10 tips to help you become more promotable in your job.

9. Dress at the top of your level.

People do judge you by how you look. For example, if you’re in a position or company where everyone wears jeans and t-shirts, you should dress a notch higher. If you’re a man, wear khakis and golf shirts, and if you’re a woman, wear slacks or a skirt with a tasteful top. A good rule of thumb is to dress as if you were meeting with your top client. What attire would be professional yet comfortable to accommodate a key client meeting? Additionally, no matter where you work, casual day does not mean shorts and flip-flops. If an executive sees you dressed like that, they’re going to view you as a “kid.” Even an iPod in your ear can make you look like a kid. When you’re on your way up (usually in the 25-40 age bracket), the last thing you want is to be called a kid.

Are You Executive Level Material? Tip #7

The following is the 7th in a series of 10 tips to help you become more promotable in your job.

7. Get a mentor.
If your company has a mentoring program, take advantage of it. If you don’t have access to such a program, get a mentor on your own. Look through your network of people and find someone who is at or near the level you aspire to be. Invite the person out to lunch and talk business with them. Learn what they did to get where they are. When you feel enough rapport and comfort with the person, ask if he or she will mentor you. Most people are honored by the request and will say “yes.” If the person declines the request, don’t take it personally. Simply find someone else to learn from.

Are You Executive Level Material? Tip #3

The following is the third in a series of 10 tips to help you become more promotable in your job.

3. Speak up.

During meetings, always weigh in on the topics discussed. Don’t leave a meeting without having an opinion about something or you will quickly get a reputation for being “wishy-washy” or not concerned with the company’s success. If you’re in a meeting and the discussion turns to something you’re unfamiliar with or is not part of your department’s duties, look engaged anyway. Always remember that the people above you are watching you, and everything you do – or don’t do – counts.

Are You Executive Level Material?

The following is the first in a series of 10 tips to help you become more promotable in your job.

Any successful executive will tell you that there’s a game in business. If you’re not willing to play the game, you can’t win at it. So while many people aspire to reach the executive level in their company, they won’t. In fact, most people don’t make it past the $80,000 per year income level simply because they don’t play the game.

Why won’t they play? “I hate business politics,” they say. But who said “business politics” had to be a negative thing? For example, if your boss does something commendable in the company, invents something new, or makes a great speech, it’s okay to congratulate him or her. That’s not being political or a “kiss up”; it’s called being gracious and having decorum – two things that will help you climb the corporate ladder.

Aside from your technical skills or job-specific abilities, other big components of the game include your comportment, how you look, how you speak, your attitude, and your daily habits.

1. Claim your space.

When you’re walking in the office, you need to look purposeful and centered. Scurrying, looking harried, or trying to blend into the background will make you appear as though you lack confidence. Instead, walk with your full height and claim the space around you. People need to view you as someone on a mission – a mission to the top.