Social Media – What’s the Real Point of it All?

The key to making any social media site work for you so you can become memorable is to use the site regularly. That means posting something, either an update or a question/answer, every seven days at a minimum. Why? Because the more you use any social media site, the higher your “Google Juice” will be—in other words, Google’s algorithm will notice your regularity and you’ll get a higher ranking with Google than you would otherwise. Additionally, the more you interact and post on these sites, the more prominent you’ll become within your network—your name recognition in your industry will grow.

Remember that these days, people will look you or your company up online. That’s why you want a positive presence in the social media scene. For example, in 2008, I Googled one of my executive coaching clients Steve, a petroleum engineer, and got six results. Today I Googled his name in quotes with the words “Oil and Gas” after it, and I saw 475 results. All he did was put up a LinkedIn page, offer his expertise to others, and speak on his specialty in the US and Canada.

Even if you are an engineer, scientist, or doctor and already work over 60 hours a week, you still need to be present in the virtual world. If you can just pick one thing to do, pick LinkedIn. Then join a couple of groups so people with like minds can see what you are all about. If you have a recent article, post it. You don’t have to spend more than 30 to 60 minutes a week to at least be visible.

For aggressive, results-oriented business leaders, staying active on LinkedIn in particular is of paramount importance because you always want have an eye out for top talent. Realize that currently there are over 90 million LinkedIn users worldwide. One new user joins every second of every day. And unlike social media sites like Facebook where many people use the site for entertainment, all LinkedIn users are business minded. That means the connections you develop on LinkedIn are more likely to positively impact you or your company in some way, whether it’s now or in the future. Therefore, if you want better or more professional business relationships, LinkedIn is the place to be. Even if you have a business profile on Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn makes a perfect addition to your personal or business branding efforts.


How To Be The Star

Dear Jean,

I’m a salesperson with a national firm.  I do pretty well, but the woman they call their “star” salesperson is making me crazy.  She gets all kind of privileges and she looks trashy.  Jean, I always wear a stylish suit or dress and I am careful about my makeup, hair, nails, etc.  For some reason, I sure don’t get a trip to Bermuda.  What should I do?  Shorten my skirts and lower my neckline?


I’m assuming that she earned those trips to Bermuda by winning contests.  Something I read recently said that we all wear a pair of magic magnifying glasses.  When we look at something, whatever we focus on increases.  If we look at the problem, the problem increases.  If we look at the solution, the solution increases.

My best advice to you is to look at the solution.  What is it you could be doing to increase your personal production?  Do you need to make more calls?  Do you need a refresher on closing the sale?  Do you qualify your prospects properly?  Do you have excellent time-management skills?  If she can be the national sales star, so can you.  Don’t spend any more time thinking about her.  She is living in your head rent-free.


Dear Jean:

In my job-hunting research, I keep seeing that I need to “network.”  I know what this means, but I have no clue how to do it.  Where do I start?


Networking for a job is making it easy for the people you know to help you find job leads.  To network, all you need to do is make everyone you know aware that you are searching for a particular job. They, in turn, can keep their ear to the ground for a job that might match your needs.

Have some inexpensive business cards made up with your recent contact information so you can give your cards to people you meet.  If you are within three feet of them give them a card. On the card, you can even include your area of expertise. “Supply Chain Management,” “Legal,” “Administration,” or whatever your specialty is.

To get warmed up to networking, start by talking to the people you know:  Your family, friends, neighbors, cleaners, barbershop, beauty shop, mechanic, etc.  Be specific about what you want in a job and what you have to offer an employer.  Ask them to get the word out on you. Most people won’t, but some really will! Make a list of everyone who will take your call:  Former co-workers, former classmates, neighbors, parents of your kids friends, people you volunteer with, people you go to church with, professionals you use – doctor, dentist, attorney, accountant, investment person, etc. – literally anyone you can think of who will take your call.  Write down their name and phone number and call them right away.

Don’t forget to find out about the reputable staffing and search firms in your area. Pick the top five and fill out an application (applications are taken mostly online) and make an appointment to see them once you establish what you do matches the kinds of people they place.

Next, contact any business associates you have who might be willing to keep an eye out for you.  A good way to do this is to write a quick postcard or email asking for their help in finding your specific type of job.  Action is key. The more feelers you put out the more leads you’ll get.  Job fairs are designed for networking. Be sure to take your resume to this type of event.

Social Media Networking business sites are good too. There are many of them and recruiters often ask to be introduced to you if you have the skill set they are looking for. Chose two or three of the most popular and you will have another place to talk about your work history. On LinkedIn there is a place for “summary” and there you will have a chance to summarize your experience and mention what type of position you’re seeking.

Remember who you contacted by keeping a list and check back with them periodically to let them know you are still in the market.  Keeping your network looking for you saves you a lot of legwork and can be very successful in finding openings that are not being advertised; many of the good positions aren’t advertised.

When you find your new job, it is courteous to let your network know, especially those who have given you a lead or given your resume to a friend.